Healing # 2

Healing # 2

In the previous blog we discussed healing. I recommend you to read it if you have not. We will now continue with more thought regarding divine healing,

We also believe in healing because many of us have witnessed it in ourselves, relatives, and friends. At Encounters Church we have heard of many healing testimonies, including from cancer, back problems, depression, and substance abuse. We believe in supernatural healing but often the Lord will work through medicine and medical procedures. The writer of this blog himself has experienced many healings of various diseases, infirmities, and injuries. Although many had doctors involvemens I also experienced accelerated healing beyond the diagnosis. For sure God’s hand was in this.

The Greek word for salvation is soteria and it includes deliverance, salvation welfare, prosperity, preservatton, healing, and safety. So, although we know that every person has died, or will die at some time, we are called to pray for the sick and believe in healing. The results are in God’s hands but we continue to stand in faith and believe. Even when we don’t see it happen, we know that God is good and does not cause sickness and disease. To follow Jesus' example we should pray as the Holy Spirit shows us and listen to what the Father and Jesus is saying. Consider that Jesus did not pray for the lame man at the Temple. But then we see that Peter and John prayed for him in the book of Acts and how he was healed. Even if we don’t see any results we believe to continue to pray because God says so. Eventually you will see results, and t will all be worthwhile.

Healing is not only of the body but of the mind and emotions as well. God wants us to walk in divine health in all areas of our being. We believe in healing because the Bible says that by His stripes we are healed and that He forgives us of all our sins and heals all our diseases. When you are sick it is easy to get depressed and worried, but we know that it is better to focus on the goodness of God and His good plan for our lives.

The overriding truth that we need to realize is that Jesus came to bring the Kingdom of God. This is the Kingdom of the presence of the King on the earth as it is in Heaven. It is not just for some future date but is for now. And healing is part of the Kingdom reality This does not mean that there are no more problems in society or no more sickness, but God’s Kingdom is here, but yet is increasing and expanding in its revelation.

As citizens of the Kingdom of God we want to demonstrate His Kingdom by doing the things that He did. We believe that healing is part of the ongoing Kingdom on earth as it is in Heaven, and is a part of the reality of God’s goodness.. It is not us that heals but it is God. We are the vessels used by the governor and administrator of the Kingdom- the Holy Spirit. You see it is the Holy Spirit who is the Spirit of Jesus and is working on the earth today to bring people to faith

We believe that the devil was defeated by Christ’s crucifixion and resurrection; he has no authority to put sickness on God’s people. But we live in a fallen world with po and pollution in the air, in food, and in our water. So God will protect you but our part is also to be wise and not put Him to the test, We do need to make a good effort to live healthy and well. We believe that the state of the body and mind is important in protecting us from sickness, and God will watch over us. And if we exercise our faith in His divine power it will help us in our journey in life. Nevertheless, we don’t deny sickness or tell anyone that they got sick because of a lack of faith. This is a Biblical misunderstanding by some groups.

And remember that the greatest healing is that of the spirit made alive and being a new creation. If you have believed in your heart and confessed Christ you are a child of the resurrection and can never die spiritually. This means an eternity with no suffering, pain, or sickness, and a new glorious body.


Healing #1


Serving/Outward Focus