Healing #1

Healing #1

One of the prominent things that you see when you read the Gospels is the many healings performed by Jesus. It was often these healings that were the signs that caused people to believe that Jesus was sent from God to be Messiah and Savior. We see many recorded healings- the blind receiving sight, the deaf hearing, and the mute speaking. We also read about the healing of the lame, including paralytics, and other infirmities of the body. We read about the healing of the woman with hemorrhaging, the woman bent over for many years, and Peter’s mother-in-law healed of a fever. There are accounts of leprosy being healing. Leprosy was probably one of the most dreaded diseases. It caused people’s extremities such as fingers and toes to fall off. But it was no problem for Jesus to heal this affliction. Also, we read about Jesus setting people free from demonic possession. And we see another miracle, which also happened during the time of Elijah and Elisha- the raising of the dead.

Jesus did not always heal people in the same way. Sometimes He would heal by just saying a word. Other times He would involve the person in an action of faith, such as go to the pool and wash. At other times He did some rather strange things such as putting his finger in ‘someone’s ear or spitting and making mud to anoint them. Jesus said that He only did what He saw the Father doing and would only say what He heard the Father saying. In the same way, we do not make healing a ritual or tradition and always pray the same way. Rather we must rely on the leadership of the Holy Spirit to see how to pray in different situations.

Some might say yes, but that was Jesus, who was also God in the flesh. But Jesus told his disciples that these types of occurrences would continue as they preached the gospel after His departure and sending of the Holy Spirit. In the book of Acts there are many similar healing performed by the disciples including healings of, lameness, various diseases, casting out demons, and raising of the dead.

The Church today has various beliefs concerning whether healing for today. While most denominations believe in healing, some are passive in their view. In other words, they agree to pray for the sick, but do so without much faith that they will be healed. Rather many believe that, it is all up to God and He will do what He wants. Many also do not believe that there is a gift of healing in operation today and that the gifts ceased after the writing of the Bible was completed.

While we agree that God is in control of all things (sovereignty), we at Encounters Church, believe in a more aggressive view of praying for the sick, as exemplified in the Bible. We also believe in the gift of healing. The Bible never said that the gifts such as healing as having ceased after Jesus . It says that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. In fact, Jesus said signs would follow the preaching of His word. It is true that Jesus healed many Jews as a sign of His being the Messiah. In doing this He was fulfilling Old Testament prophecies that God would not inflict the diseases of the Egyptians on Israel and that He would take care and provide for them. However Jesus' healing extended to the non Jews (Gentiles), and there are many examples of this in Jesus’ ministry.

Jesus said that “the things you see me do you will do and even greater things.” On the surface this is a difficult saying. But remember that Jesus could only be in one place at a time but the Holy Spirit can be in you and in people in China, Australia, and Africa. And because we believe in an everlasting and ever increasing Kingdom of God, and know that with God all things are possible, it helps us to understand what Jesus said. The only exception to these things is Jesus' sacrificial work of the cross, which He accomplished for us and we can add nothing to. So now, because of what Jesus has done we are called to walk in the works that He has prepared for us.


Shaping Culture #2


Healing # 2