We recognize that God is with us! This is a starting point in everything we do. We make room for God, and actively invite Him in every aspect of our lives.
We value a real life experience with Jesus as evidenced by hearing His voice and enjoying fellowship with the Holy Spirit.
We create an atmosphere where anyone can sense or feel the presence of God.
We practice engaging God's presence by becoming aware of Him in every facet of our lives.
We intentionally turn our focus on His presence.
We believe that God's goodness is the cornerstone of our Theology. God's goodness is revealed in the person of Jesus Christ, who came to reveal the heart of the Father to an orphan world.
We therefore focus on treating ourselves and others with kindness, respect, honor, grace, truthfulness, honesty, and unconditional acceptance.
Our ministry's focus is to reflect the heart of the Father towards the world around us.
We love sharing life together and developing meaningful relationships.
We promote genuine and fulfilling relationships in a safe environment.
We develop relationships by engaging in social activities, Church groups, outreach activities, and positive friendships.
We transform culture by applying Biblical truth to every facet of life.
We release the culture of the Kingdom of God in every sphere of our society.
We intentionally use our gifts, talents, education, and training to promote the values of the Kingdom of God in our society so that it will look like Heaven's design on
We believe that every person has a destiny and is empowered by God to fulfill it.
We serve our community with the gifts, resources, and talents that God has given us.
Service to our community takes many shapes and forms and is recognized by the benefits that it brings to those on the receiving end, as it improves the quality of their lives.
We believe that physical and emotional healing is available to everyone who believes in the finished work of Jesus on the cross.
We believe that Jesus gives us abundant life
and sets us free from every human pain possible to mankind.
We pray for the sick and for those who are suffering from any human pain and expect God to heal them physically and emotionally.
We believe that as heirs of the Kingdom of God, our lives here on earth reflect the supernatural realities of His Kingdom.
We believe everything that exists in Heaven is ours to release here on earth now by faith in Jesus and through the power in the Holy Spirit.
We pray for impossible things to happen, and we expect God to do them, so that His good and loving heart could be expressed here on earth.
““We can make our plans, but the lord determines our steps.””