Serving/Outward Focus

Serving/Outward Focus

In the last two blogs we shared about shaping the culture. This subject may sound similar. In serving and having an outward focus we are speaking of the destiny that God has given each of us. And as a church we serve our community with the gifts and talents that God has given us. We are speaking about having an attitude that is not only inwardly focused. We don’t want to be only concerned with our churches and our fellow church members. Surely that is important; however we want to serve in our churches and outside of them. Jesus said that the greatest is the one who is a servant of all So we want to live this way. We do not want to have a view of us and them. Rather, we want to be available to help those in need.

In speaking about outward focus, I am not advocating for the only social type church. It is vital to be a lover of the presence of God, and to be people of the Scriptures. But if we are only inward focused we are not helping to extend the Kingdom of God, which is what Jesus came preaching. This includes healing the sick, providing for the poor, and comforting and encouraging the afflicted and downcast. Statistics show increases of depression, suicide, drug addiction, alcoholism, and other issues in our culture. We cannot rely only on the government. It is the Church that is to be the agent for change in society.

Serving can be done in many ways. And it is God who gives us the grace to accomplish this. For example we can encourage others, give food if needed, help with a chore, Perhaps he will lead you into an area that is on your heart but you have not yet done anything with it. Maybe you will disciple another Christian to walk closer to God. Some of you may visit prisoners, feed the homeless, set up food banks, or start Bible studies for people that are unchurched. There are many other possibilities. I used to go to Celebrate Recovery meetings, although I was not actively drinking or taking drugs. I did it as an opportunity to speak about the love of God, which is what everyone needs to know. As St. Augustine said: “Preach the gospel at all times, use words if necessary.”

At the time of the writing of this blog, there is much turmoil in our nation, with political division, riots, and a health pandemic. Things have changed so much in the last year. But the good news is that God never changes. Therefore what he taught about the Kingdom of God has not changed. Although there are restrictions, difficulties, and obstacles in times like this, the Church is still called to be the light of the world and to share the love that God has shown us with others. Preaching the gospel and teaching the Bible is vital. However God has called His people to demonstrate His love by putting it into action. If I only tell a hungry person about Jesus but don’t help him to fill His stomach, he will probably not have an understanding of the love of God. I am not saying that each of us will meet every need we encounter, but working together we can make a big difference. As a wonderful missionary in Africa said- our job is only to love the one. In other words it is one at a time, as the Lord enables us.

So I encourage everyone who names the name of Jesus Christ, if you are not involved in serving and reaching outside the church walls, then pray about what God would have you to do. Then speak to other believers and perhaps your pastor, and make a plan. As you refresh others, the Lord will refresh you.


Healing # 2


Authentic Relationships