God is Good

God is Good

For the LORD is good, His lovingkindness is everlasting And His faithfulness to all generations. Psalm 100:5 NASB

As it says in the Bible verse above God is good all the time and forever. Lovingkindness is a combination of the two words loving and kindness. God loves us in this way by expressing His love in His kindness towards people and the world overall.The Hebrew word is “chesed” and is best understood in that His love is always expressed in kindness.

But you might say, “why is there so much suffering in the world” and “why is there so much evil in the world, Or it is said “there is so much unkindness in the world-what’s the deal?”

God is so loving that He has given us free will in order to choose good or evil. He did not want a world full of robots to just automatically do what Heaven desires. We can freely choose God or not. The evil we see is not any lack on God’s part but is the consequences of wrong choices by people now and throughout history.

God made the world as His perfect creation and made people in His image. By virtue of your birth you have the breath of God in you. As His creation, we need to seek Him as the expression based on the three men that looked for baby Jesus- “wise men still seek Him.”

As we look around us, regardless of any problems or trying circumstances we may be facing, we can see the goodness of God all around us. We can see it in the beauty of nature, animals, and people we know or new ones we meet. God is the master craftsman who has put all the beauty we see together.

If you are not seeing and realizing the goodness of God to you, then look deeper, and call out to Him. God will not disappoint you. He shows His love and kindness is many ways that we often take for granted.

King David said that his desire was to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living (Ps. 27:13). That desire is faith and God has given a portion of faith to everyone. The more we seek Him, the more we find Him, and become aware of His goodness.

God is a loving Father and knows what is best for us. He never sends sickness or disease, although we see it around us. Would we give sickness, disease, or injury to our children? Of course not; so why would we blame God for these things.

The ultimate proof of the goodness of God is that He sent Jesus to live as a man. Thereby He is able to identify with us and all our hardships and sorrow. Now, through Jesus’ death on the cross and rising from the dead we can participate in His life , just as He has participated in our lives and continues to.

God’s business is that of reconciliation and reformation. We all have “missed the mark” in many ways. But His plan is to bring us to a revelation of how good He really is and how great is His love for us . He has loved us with an everlasting love and drawn us with lovingkindness (Jeremiah 31:3) . This is always God’s will for you. So God wants to reconcile us which means bring us to Him. He also wants to bring about reformation in our lives and others. The word means just what it says- re-form-ation. It is that act of changing and reforming that will ultimately change our culture and the world. But we must always start with ourselves first.

The great news of the gospel of Jesus Christ is that God is so good that He already did everything necessary for this reconciliation and reformation. Our part is only to believe and to trust Him.

Our desire at Encounters Church is too always remember that God is good and that His desire is to heal the hearts of people. In our knowledge and experience of this we always want to honor, love, and respect all people and give them the dignity of their identity as children of God.


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