The Supernatural

The Supernatural

Mirium Webster defines supernatural as: 1) of or relating to an order of existence beyond the visible observable universe, especially : of or relating to God or a god, demigod, spirit, or devil 2a departing from what is usual or normal especially so as to appear to transcend the laws of nature 2b attributed to an invisible agent (such as a ghost or spirit)

As far as the definitions above we confine our beliefs to only two supernatural entities, God and Satan. However we will confine our discussion to the realm of God. We do not deny Satan’s existence but consider him a defeated foe, who Christ triumphed over by His cross and resurrection. Satan has no authority over blood bought believers, unless we allow it. But that is a discussion for another time.

As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ and the Bible, we know that we have a supernatural God, who has and is working in the universe in the supernatural realm. As His children, we are heirs of God and partakers of His glory. Therefore He is not withholding anything from us.

So being that we are His children, we are also in a sense supernatural beings. What sets us apart from the animal kingdom is that we can have a relationship with our creator. This is because we are three part beings, spirit, soul, and body. We are able to communicate with our creator by our senses, nature, impressions, other people, dreams, visions, and other means, Jesus came as the light of the world and to reveal the light of the Father If you have received Jesus as your Lord and savior, you re now a supernatural being because you have experienced new birth through the Holy Spirit. At Encounters Church we desire to have supernatural encounters with God on an ongoing basis.

Even if you have not yet believed in Jesus you are a supernatural being by way of your birth. First of all, consider how complex the human body and mind are, No matter how much science has advanced in its study, there is still much more that has not been untapped. And consider that you have a spirit within you that is made in God’s image. The Father wants to draw you to Himself. He does this by the Holy Spirit making your spirit alive to the love of Jesus Christ.

When you believe you are moved out of spiritual darkness into God’s light. Your spirit is completely saved. But the soul, the mind, emotions, and will needs to be renewed. This is the lifetime process of transformation. As we are focusing on the Lord and asking for more revelation, the supernatural will become more a regular occurrence in our lives.

Some of the more dramatic supernatural occurrences that we can see are according to the gifts of the Holy Spirit. That is words of wisdom, words of knowledge, discerning of spirits, miracles, healings, faith, prophecy, tongues, and the interpretation of tongues. . A more full explanation of these gifts would take too much time for this blog but can perhaps be shared in the future. We have frequently seen some of these gifts manifest in our meetings.

But there are other supernatural occurrences and manifestations that are just as, or more important. Some of these are people going from hate to love, bitterness to joy, anxiety to peace, cursing to blessing, selfishness to kindness, unfaithfulness to faithfulness, and more.. These are supernatural works of the Holy Spirit that is beyond what any therapy apart from Christ could accomplish. This is what we call the fruit of the Spirit.

Another supernatural work of God is repentance. This is not just turning away from sin. It is a change of mind The Bible tells us that it is the goodness of God that leads us to repentance. When we get a revelation in our hearts of the love of God, the finished work of the cross, and our identity as new creations, sons and daughters of God, this is the type of change of mind that will cause us to walk in the supernatural.

So, now when we pray we can release the supernatural from Heaven, and believe, and expect such things to happen. The Father has made us partakers of the divine nature and now because of His goodness we can belief for the supernatural by faith in Christ and by the power of the Holy Spirit.


Authentic Relationships


God is Good