His Presence

You will make known to me the path of life; In the presence of the Lord there is fullness of joy; at His right hand there are pleasures forever more. (Ps. 16:11).

We live. in a world where we often have much stress, anxiety, and troubles. Many people have lost jobs, had health problems, financial problems, loss of family members and friends. With the onset of Covid19 and other national and world issues, we live in turmultuos times.

We are all part of God’s created human family and He greatly loves us all. With the pressures and demands of life, as well as our own inadequacies and doubts, we can feel alone, even in the midst of being with others. But the truth is that you are not alone. Our creator God did not just make this world and then abandon it . He is concerned with everything, especially with people. Therefore we need to look to God for the solution to all our problems and fears.

Since God’s heart is inclined towards you, you can call to Him and He will hear and act. And even if you don’t think so or you have tried this without any visible result, it is just a matter of time. You need patience while you wait. But be encouraged that God is for you.

We need to have the proper mindset and the answers to our prayers will frequently happen through the encouragement of others. There is so much beyond us in the spiritual realm and we need to start grasping it.. But frequently our old habits and thinking patterns hold us back.

We have found that there is power in the unity of group dynamics. You can see this in political, social, and cultural unity. There is also a spiritual unity, At Encounters Church we have found that the power of this spiritual unity is enhanced by the value of the presence of God. This is one of our core values.

We embrace the presence of God in everything we do, not only in church, but in our everyday lives. We love to create an atmosphere where anyone can sense the presence of God. We recognize that God is with us and we desire to make room for Him in every area of our lives. So as believers in Jesus Christ we have a great inheritance in God and Christ. We live by faith, not feelings, but He wants us to feel how near He is. We desire to create an atmosphere that when we pray, praise, worship,or hear preaching, we can feel His nearness and have intimacy with Father God and Jesus. The presence of God is not reserved for the pastors or leaders. No, it is for everyone who believes. Even those who don’t believe can also feel His presence and say “Wow, I sensed something different among you. I think you people have been with Jesus.”

In the presence of the Lord we are being gradually changed;. We call this transformation. We are being transformed into His image. We spend time with Jesus because He loved us so much that He died in our place to save us from our sins. How can we know Him better but by spending time in His presence?

It is important to be in a congregation that values the presence of the Lord. We have found at Encounters Church that as we gather corporately in desiring this, we come to know the presence of God in our lives more. We are now experiencing as our name says “encounters” with our loving Father God and His Son Jesus Christ..

We would be overwhelmingly blessed if you can visit us sometime at Encounters Church and join us in this experience. And we are confident that you too will be blessed!

As it says in Psalm 84:1-2, How lovely are Your dwelling places, O LORD of hosts! My soul longed and even yearned for the courts of the LORD; My heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God.


God is Good