Shaping Culture #1

Shaping Culture #1

At Encounters Church we use our gifts that God has given us to affect and change culture in whatever sphere of influence that we are in. We want to release the Kingdom of God throughout all of our culture. In doing this we will be doing our part in making it on earth as it is in Heaven.

Jesus came into the world for many reasons. Some of these were to reveal the Father, to save us from our sins, to destroy the works of the evil one, to heal and comfort the sick and brokenhearted, and other reasons. But a very significant aspect of Christ’s life was to bring in the Kingdom of God. The Bible places its primary emphasis on this. However, the Church overall, has neglected this.

So what is the Kingdom of God?. It is the dominion of the King. When Jesus was crucified the Romans put a sign over the cross which said “King of the Jews.” We know that He came first to the Jewish people but He has since been proclaimed as King of all. This means that Jesus has supreme rulership over His creation. But it is not a rulership that we might think of, such as that of earthly kings and presidents. His rulership or dominion is established and governed by love. We can know and rely on the love of God.

As important as it is to be involved in a church, we are not called to just be inward focused, ministering only within our local congregations. God has called His children to be part of the Kingdom reality. That means that we are all part of this dominion of the KIng. The Kingdom of God is to be advancing. It is the government of God. As such it needs to be affecting the culture and transforming it into a representation of the King. In saying the culture we can break it down into segments, aspects, or mountains of the culture that need to be changed. This includes government, the media, arts, entertainment, business, family,and religion. This is often called the seven mountains or pillars of society. When these pillars are affected and transformed for God the result is what we call a Reformation.

Just as there was a great reformation in the 16th century led by Martin Luther as the essence of Biblical teaching became alive again, we are expecting another reformation of much greater proportion that will shake the earth by changing the culture through the Kingdom of God being realized and effective on the earth. This reformation is that of bringing the Kingdom of God in greater measure.

Jesus compared the Kingdom of God to a woman kneading a lump of dough with leaven and it keeps expanding, He also compared it to the smallest seed that becomes the greatest tree, and even the birds find shade in its midst. This is a picture of the Kingdom of God growing affecting the world, and giving comfort to its people. So let us pray and find our part in this glorious work that was always in God’s heart. And He has sent His Son, the man from Heaven, Jesus Christ to be with us and work with us to accomplish His will on the earth as it is in Heaven.


Shaping Culture #2